Each year on 21 June the MND Association joins with the wider MND community around the world to mark Global MND Awareness Day. 

On Global MND Awareness Day, the MND Association, our branches, groups, volunteers, supporters and staff join forces with our peers across the world to honour our remarkable community. We acknowledge people living with MND and their carers, and remember those who have died from the disease. 

For MND carers every day is the longest day. 

Motor neurone disease is devastating. It robs people of their independence, their ability to move, speak and ultimately breathe. And it impacts on their families and friends too. Many MND carers dedicate more than 100 hours to caring a week – with little or no financial support. 

We want to change that. 

47% of unpaid carers report worrying about money. 

Almost half report that caring has caused them financial difficulty. 

Increasing the rate of Carer’s Allowance would make a significant difference. So today, on Global MND Awareness Day, please support our call for improved care and greater provision for unpaid carers and ask your General Election candidates to sign the MND Guarantee.

Get involved

Ask your friends, family and colleagues to sign the MND Guarantee – make it easy for them by linking to it on social media. 

Use #GlobalMNDAwarenessDay and #SupportMNDCarers to spread the word on social media. 

If you are a carer or someone living with MND, share your story – if you feel able to. Talk to your networks, use your own platforms to tell those who follow you something about the challenges you face that they may not know. 

Listen to the special Awareness Day episode of our podcast MND Matters and hear Martyn talking candidly about his experience. 

Be inspired to support

Martyn's story

When Martyn’s wife Anna was diagnosed with MND in 2023 aged 39, their world was crushed. Martyn says: “Everyone in the house and across our wider family has caring responsibilities... we have tried to limit that as a family because Anna doesn’t want more carers in her life. She just wants them to be family members.” 

Read Martyn's story

Sarah's story

Sarah, an Area Support Coordinator at the Association, cared for her own mum Norma after her MND diagnosis.  

Sarah says: “Watching someone you love living with MND, you feel powerless.” 

Read Sarah's story

Tracy's story

When Tracy’s husband Dave first got his diagnosis the couple ‘thought we could cope’. But within three months things changed. Tracy says: “It’s really affected him emotionally in the fact he knows how much I’m having to give up because of his condition. I don’t want him to feel like he’s restricting me or his family from doing stuff.” 

Ready Tracy's story

Raising awareness

Find out more information about motor neurone disease and how we raise awareness and the support we offer.