The MND Connect team offers information and support on all aspects of motor neurone disease (MND), including symptom control, practical management, improving quality of life, clinical research and signposting to other organisations.

Get in touch with us

MND Connect is available Monday to Friday between 9am - 4pm. Calls to this number are free from landlines and mobile phones within the UK and are confidential and do not appear on itemised bills.

Call us: 0808 802 6262 

Email us: [email protected]

If you struggle with English please let the adviser know. We can arrange for an interpreter to provide a simultaneous translation between your chosen language and English.

See below for emergency and out of hours contact options.

The service is for:

MND Connect Services infographic
  • people living with MND
  • carers
  • family members
  • health and social care professionals
  • MND Association staff and volunteers
  • or anyone else affected by MND.

We provide:

  • information about MND and how to manage with symptoms
  • emotional and practical support
  • social, practical and financial information
  • information about local support
  • information about how the MND Association can support you
  • signposting to other appropriate services

A comprehensive range of publications are also available for people affected by the disease, for professionals involved in their care and for those involved in research.

As a professional nurse, it is very reassuring that I can ask for help and information, as motor neurone disease is not common. I need to be sure I am doing everything in my power to offer the best care for my client. You give a fantastic service. Thank you, it makes my job much easier.

Our team

The MND Connect team consists of a team of experienced staff and volunteers who work closely with our local and regional services.

Our professional and friendly MND Connect team have been continuously accredited with the Helplines Partnership Standard since 2015, reassuring MND Connect helpline callers that they will receive reliable, accurate and timely information and support.

The commitment to delivering an effective, high-quality service was strongly evident.

Emergency and out of hours contact options

If you have a medical emergency or need urgent medical advice, please contact your GP, NHS 111 or the emergency services 999.

If your call is not of an urgent nature, please leave your name and telephone number and we will return your call when MND Connect are open again.  We will only leave a message on your answer machine if you give us permission to do so.

You may also want to consider our online care forum.

Alternatively, if you need to speak to someone straight away, you may wish to call the Samaritans. The number for the Samaritans is 116 123 (no area code required).