We welcome referrals for people with a confirmed (or suspected) diagnosis of MND or Kennedy's disease. Wherever possible, these should be made by a health and social care professional. If the diagnosis is suspected, please provide more details in the ‘Additional information’ section of the form.

Our services and resources can make a real difference to people living with and affected by MND or Kennedy's disease. Following a referral to the Association, a letter will be sent outlining all the services that we offer, and where to find further information and support.

What happens when I refer someone to the Association?

If the consents section of the referral form indicates we can do so, the person's local  Area Support Co-ordinator will contact them approximately two weeks later as a follow up. If the consents section of the referral form hasn’t been completed, an introduction letter will be sent with a consent form attached. The letter advises that our helpline, MND Connect, will call after approximately six week, unless we’re advised that the call isn’t required.

Completing the consents section together with the person being referred, helps us to ensure that any support and information provided is given in the most timely and appropriate way. Your help in collecting this information is greatly appreciated.

Will the information I share be secure?

The MND Association is committed to protecting your personal information and being transparent about what information we hold. Please see our privacy policy for a clear explanation about how the MND Association and its subsidiary and branches and groups use the personal information you provide to us and that we collect, whether online, via phone, email, in letters or in any other correspondence or from third parties.