Our online learning modules are in depth courses which you can complete around your work commitments. They are developed with the input of a team of health and social care professionals and the involvement of people affected by MND.
Participants have found these courses interesting, informative and relevant to their practice.
Where appropriate the courses are endorsed by professional organisations – take a look and book your place.
Royal College of General Practitioners
Motor Neurone Disease
This short course looks at clinical presentations, highlights how GPs can improve detection of the disease, and offers valuable advice on the palliative care needs of people with MND.
Motor Neurone Disease - Advanced Care
In this second course on Motor Neurone Disease, the four collections of signs and symptoms are examined in more detail, with a focus on management. With the use of case studies, potential treatment options are explored and approaches to end of life care are discussed.
Royal College of Nursing
This course is for any registered nurse, student nurse, health care assistant (HCA) or assistant practitioner, working in any health care setting or specialism. It is designed to offer you support in your care for people living with motor neurone disease.
Care worker module
The purpose of this module is to introduce care workers to the issues surrounding the care for people living with MND and discusses equipment and procedures they may encounter in this role.
Multidisciplinary working - making it effective for MND
In this module you will examine multidisciplinary working and consider its benefits and challenges. You will be encouraged to consider multidisciplinary team (MDT) working in your own work environment and to develop responses in your own practice and the wider team to enhance its performance. The course runs over nine weeks, three times per year.