Amongst health and social care professionals (HSCPs)

£48,2220 was donated by 15 branches and groups to help us empower HSCPs to provide the best care possible for people with MND, their families and carers, through masterclass training sessions and the provision of education bursaries.

"One of the emotions I experienced after diagnosis was a feeling of loneliness and isolation. Friends, family, and worryingly, many of the healthcare professionals I had to deal with, didn't seem to understand the reality I was facing daily of living with a diagnosis of MND."


Project update: Ten masterclasses were held in 2019 which resulted in 285 HSCPs being trained in either end of life care, respiratory care, wheelchair and posture management, or cognitive and behavioural assessment. 49 bursaries were awarded to support HSCPs access training. In addition, a pilot equipment roadshow took place - 80% of attendees were HSCPs.

This year, 43 HSCPs are due to attend online delivery of an end of life masterclass in November. A new programme of events for 2021 is being planned, with online and face-to-face options for each to ensure no disruption to delivery.