What is the MAGNET Platform Trial?

'MAGNET' (Multi-arm, Adaptive, Group-sequential trial NETwork) is the first international platform trial focused on finding effective treatments for MND. It will test multiple treatments simultaneously.

A large advantage of this multi-arm design is that it gives a higher chance for people to be randomised into the treatment arms rather than the placebo arm. In the future, new candidate drugs can be added to the study – giving people an even better chance of being randomised to take a potential treatment.

A computer model determines whether you are eligible to participate, based on your disease characteristics such as age, symptom duration and lung function. The computer makes a forecast of the expected disease pattern. By using this forecast, more than 75% of the patients will be able to participate instead of the 25 – 40% when using classical criteria.

What does the drug do?

The MAGNET trial currently consists of one sub-study to test the efficacy of lithium carbonate, called the PRELUDE trial. Lithium carbonate has a long history as a treatment for mood disorders and several studies have highlighted the protective effects of Lithium carbonate in the brain.

This trial will look at the use of lithium carbonate in people living with MND who have the UNC13a mutation. This mutation in the UNC13a gene is known to be associated with the prognosis and symptoms of ALS. Analysis has shown that participants carrying the UNC13a mutation may respond better to Lithium Carbonate than those who do not carry the mutation. Lithium carbonate has already been shown to be safe in humans. Find out more on the MND Clinical Studies Group website or on a clinical trials register

Current status: Open to recruitment

How can I take part in the trial?

Recruiting Sites

The trial is now recruiting in the UK at the following site: 

Please contact the individual trial site, by clicking each site above, for more information on how to take part in the trial. 

Trial Information

Phase: Phase 3

Placebo Controlled: Yes - this means that people joining the trial could be randomly assigned to receive the placebo (dummy drug). 

Open-Label Extension: No - this means that participants will only receive either the treatment or the placebo throughout the trial. 

Key eligibility criteria: This trial is only recruiting people with MND who have a mutation in the UNC13a gene. More criteria here.

Latest News


May 2023 - The trial opened for recruitment in the UK. 


March 2022 - TRICALS announces that the MAGNET trial has open to recruitment in Europe. You can read more here

Last updated: 20/05/2024