Dr Brian Dickie MBE
Brian graduated in 1991 with a PhD in Neuropharmacology from the University of Wales College of Medicine.
He then took up a research fellowship in the Department of Pharmacology, University of Oxford, where his research on the mechanisms of cell death in Parkinson’s disease was combined with teaching roles as Departmental Tutor and Lecturer in Neuroscience at Lincoln College, Oxford.
In 1997, Brian joined the MND Association as Director of Research Development, to provide strategic guidance, raise the Association’s profile within the biomedical and care research communities, increase the quantity and quality of Association-sponsored and collaborative research, organise the annual International Symposium on ALS/MND and communicate advances in MND research to lay and specialist audiences.
In 2025 he moved into the new role of Chief Scientist to feed his extensive knowledge, experience and international connections into the Association’s research strategy, advising on scientific initiatives and partnerships, and informing policy positions.