Payroll giving is one of the easiest ways to make a regular donation. Once you’ve signed up the donation comes out of your salary each payday before any tax is deducted, so it’s also one of the most tax effective ways to give.  

Payroll Giving

How does donating through Payroll Giving cost me less? 
When you sign up to Payroll Giving your donation comes out of your salary before you pay tax. So, if you decide to give £5 per month, you’ll only see £4 come out of your pay if you pay the basic rate of tax.

A small donation each month can achieve incredible impact over the course of a year. Each payday your gift will help support people diagnosed with this devastating life limiting disease as well as their family, children and unpaid carers. 

You can sign up to start making donations through Payroll Giving at any time of the month and year. You can also add your gifts to a Tribute Fund if you wish to. 

Frequently asked Questions

Can I see more examples of donation amounts?


You give before taxCost to you at 20% tax

Can I amend the donation amount after it’s been set up?

Yes, you can cancel or change the amount of your donation whenever you want to.

Does the donation come out every payday?

Yes, the donation would come out every time you're paid on payday. You will be able to see it on your payslip. Regular gifts help us to plan ahead so we can support more people affected by MND. 

How is payroll giving different to any other regular donation?

Payroll Giving is just like a direct debit, regular payment or standing order, the main difference is that it’s a tax efficient way to donate. 

What happens if I leave my current job?

The regular gift will stop when you leave employment. You can set it up again if you wish if you begin employment elsewhere. 

What are the benefits of donating through Payroll Giving? 

  • It’s easy to set up and manage, you don’t need to share your bank details with anyone, giving you extra peace of mind.
  • Tax Efficient – your donation is taken before tax is calculated.
  • The process is secure, quick, convenient and hassle free, donate any amount you choose, and you only have to sign up once.
  • Your regular contribution will help us plan for the future.
  • Easy to amend the details of your donation if you want to reduce or increase the amount, you can. 
  • Knowing that every day you’re working you’re also supporting people affected by MND when they need it most. 

How do I sign up to donate through Payroll Giving? 

There are two easy ways to sign up for payroll giving and start donating to the MND Association. Your company might also have a matched giving policy to match your payroll giving donations – your payroll department should be able to tell you more. 

  • Contact your payroll department and tell them you wish to donate through Payroll Giving.
  • Or complete the online form here:
    Complete online form  

You will need to supply our charity number and address as detailed below:

Motor Neurone Disease Association
Francis Crick House
6 Summerhouse Road
Moulton Park
Registered Charity No. 294354

To cancel your gift, simply notify your payroll department. Your gift will stop if you leave employment.