A growing number of free or low cost apps can help when living with or affected by MND or Kennedy's disease.
We have provided examples to start your search. Where possible, we have linked to the organisations website. However in some cases, where the app is only available on one operating system, we have linked directly to the download page.
Select from the following for apps. You can also search for information content by need with our:
Care information finder
"I have a smartphone and haven't looked back. I intend to get a tablet later, to ensure it is the most up to date."
Managing your care
Jointly makes communication and coordination between your carers as easy as a text message. It combines group messaging, calendars and to-do lists enabling you to allocate tasks and communicate with everyone all at once. Available on iOS and Android.
You can check the rating of health apps on the ORCHA website.
Out and about
Welcome by Neatebox is designed to make experiences less stressful by enabling you to communicate your needs to customer service teams before you arrive. Available on iOS and Android.
Evergreen Life PHR
Personal health record app, which enables you to download your GP record, book appointments, order repeat prescriptions and manage medications.
Symple lets you monitor your symptoms over long periods of time. Designed by patients and doctors, it tracks up to 10 symptoms at a time, records your medications and other factors that influence how you feel. Only available on iOS.
MediVoice (also known as Jaspal's Voice) stores your medical information so that you can show it to health and social care professionals if needed (sometimes known as a patient passport). The app also includes a keypad to help you communicate without having to take complex devices when out and about. Only available on Android.
You can check the rating of health apps on the ORCHA website.
Eating and drinking with MND web app features a summary of the information and all the recipes from our Eating and drinking with motor neurone disease guide. Use this web app to easily access the recipes at any location, e.g. when shopping for ingredients or preparing meals in the kitchen. It can be used on smart phones or tablets - the content will adjust to fit the screen. A shortcut can be saved to the home screen of your mobile device, for instant access. It is free to use and best to download when you are on Wi-Fi.
CommBoards is an image-based communication app that uses symbols to communicate. It includes some pre-defined boards, but can be customised too. The app was originally designed for children, but people who have difficulties with language processing may also find it useful. Only available on Android for around £8.
Grid Player helps people who cannot speak or who have unclear speech to communicate. Create sentences using pre-programmed phrases or type your own. Sentences that you create are spoken out loud. Only available on iOS.
HandySpeech Lite helps people who cannot speak or who have unclear speech to communicate. It converts handwriting into speech, so that people can quickly note what they want to say and have their device speak the note aloud.
My Voice - Text To Speech helps people who cannot speak or who have unclear speech to communicate. Type the phrases you want to say, and play them out loud through the app. You can save favourite phrases and categorise these, if wished. Only available on Android.
SoundingBoard allows you to create your own custom communication board using symbols or your own words. The app includes pre-loaded communication boards, or you can create your own. Only available on iOS.
Text to Speech! produces natural sounding synthesised text from the words that you have entered in. May be useful as a back up option to a communication aid. Only available on iOS.
You can check the rating of health apps on the ORCHA website.
Saving memories
RecordMeNow is a free legacy app with which people may record video interviews on personal subjects to leave as a legacy for their loved ones. Available for Windows and Mac PCs, and iOS devices.
Smiles & Tears was developed by Nelson's Journey to help support children and young people through grief and bereavement. Available on Android and iOS.
Apps for children and young people
So what is MND, anyway? web app works like an app from an app store. It lets you read our guide for young people aged up to 18 on a wide range of mobile devices, smart phones and tablets. It is free to use and best to download when you are on Wi-Fi. It will use about 5MB of space. You can save it to your mobile to use whenever you want (If downloads are not covered in your mobile contract, you may be charged).
For Me was developed by Childline, and enables young people to access support and counselling whenever they need it. Only available on iOS. Childline as a helpline can also support with a wide range of concerns, including emotional distress, bullying and family worries. Their service is confidential.
Smiles and Tears was developed by Nelson's Journey to help support children and young people through grief and bereavement. Available on Android and iOS.
Apart of me has been developed to give young people aged over 11 a safe space to grieve, and hear from others who know how it feels. (Children aged under 11 may use the app accompanied by an adult. Lightening bolt symbols are provided to indicate particularly sensitive content.)
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Page last updated: 4 March 2025
Next full review: February 2027