New search tool for professionals

A professional using the information finder

23 May 2024

We are delighted to launch our new Professional Information Finder tool. We have a wide range of information resources available to support you as a health and social care professional, and for the people living with MND you work with.

As our provision has expanded over the years, it can be challenging for professionals to find exactly what they are looking for. We currently have almost 200 resources that may be of interest to you or your patients, in a wide range of formats such as webinar recordings, infographics, videos, booklets and much more.

Our new tool helps you to easily find all our resources on a specific topic or for a specific profession. The results will include links to all of our resources for you, and for the people with or affected by MND you are supporting. You can select multiple topics at once if you wish, and can then send those via email, either to someone else or yourself.

Try the professional information finder


New booklet on inherited MND

A researcher looking through a microscope

12 April 2024

We have launched a new booklet for people with or affected by MND: Inherited MND and genetic testing.

The aim of this overview is to help people with MND, or who have a family history of the condition, find guidance about genetic counselling and genetic testing. 

View the new booklet


Updated publications

Covers of the guide for OTs and the guide for social workers.

22 February 2024

We are pleased to announce the release of two revised booklets for health and social care 


Occupational therapy for MND: Our main guide for OTs supporting people with MND, endorsed by the Royal College of Occupational Therapists. This comprehensive guide provides information about MND and how to support people to adapt to their changing symptoms and achieve the best possible quality of life.

MND – a guide for social care services: Our main booklet for social care professionals, including social workers, endorsed by the Association for Palliative Care Social Workers. It includes detailed information about the impact of MND, and guidance on how to provide appropriate social care services and support. 
You can download all of our publications for professionals from our website, or order hard copies from MND Connect



New advance care planning resource

A snippet of the cover of the advance care planning booklet

5 February 2024

We are delighted to launch our new booklet for health and social care professionals - Advance care planning for MND. 

Advance care planning involves discussing, documenting, and respecting the wishes and preferences of people with MND regarding their future care. This booklet includes information and practical strategies to support professionals to effectively facilitate advance care planning for people with MND.

Topics covered include:

  • benefits and challenges of advance care planning 
  • discussions about advance care planning
  • key decisions and documents
  • planning for urgent situations
  • recording and communicating decisions.

View Advance care planning for MND


Round up of 2023

Covers of the care information and professional information reviews

17 January 2023

We have produced reviews of our work in 2023!

Care information review: Highlights include a re-assessment for our PIF Tick accreditation, new and revised resources, migration to the new website and user engagement throughout the year. There’s also a glimpse of our exciting plans for 2024 and beyond.

Professional education review: Includes details of the wide range of educational opportunities we have provided to health and social care professionals in 2023, with handy links to our recordings. It also gives details of how professionals can get involved in 2024.

Read care information review      Read professional education review