Being diagnosed with a long-term neurological condition 25 years ago had a major impact on shaping my life and career. I made the decision at that point to focus on health policy and management turning my, then academic, career from a focus on public to patient engagement and, in parallel, becoming a Non-executive and then Chair of Camden and Islington Community NHS Trust and, subsequently, Turning Point.
Following a decade in health research and consultancy, I more recently focused on European health management, taking leadership roles as Executive Director of the European Health Management Association and subsequently the European Patients' Forum. I am currently a Senior Advisor at FIPRA, a European public affairs consultancy, and the Good Governance Institute, a UK based consultancy and think tank. I am also Visiting Professor in Health Management and Policy at KU Leuven.
I am honoured to join the Motor Neurone Disease Association as a Trustee and look forward to working with colleagues to help meet the challenge to provide care and support for individuals living with MND, whilst continuing to support the research efforts to deliver life changing treatments.