To organise a campaign, consider following these steps:
1. Do your research and understand your targets
For example, particular Cabinet Members on the Council may have housing adaptations within their remit/portfolio.
2. Create opportunities to negotiate with those targets.
Either by organising a meeting face to face or online, or by attending a council meeting that is open to the public.
3. Evaluate what you have achieved
Whether that be a creation of a campaign group, engaging local councillors or seeing tangible change in policy.
A pathway to success
Goal 1.
Make contact with your elected councillors to apply political pressure. They are a route to more senior councillors e.g. Housing Committee members.
Goal 2.
Councillors understand issues of people living with MND when accessing home adaptations and can advocate for them within their council.
Goal 3.
Home adaptation process improves. People living with MND can live safely and independently.
Resources for setting up a local campaign
The resources below are here to help you set up your own local campaign. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us on [email protected].
Once you've scheduled your first campaign development session together, you'll need the following resources.
For your second campaign development session you'll need the following resources. You can update the local action plan each time you meet as a group.
We'd encourage you to keep in touch with them as the campaign progresses. Email our Communications Team for help drafting a follow up press release.