Read the Through The Roof report here

Potential social media posts for MPs to share
(Graphics to accompany your social media posts available in the links below)

  1. Energy bills are going #ThroughTheRoof. People with #MND are disproportionately affected by the energy crisis just because of their condition. This is why I'm backing @mndcampaigns call for the government to consult on targeted energy support.
  2. People with #MND face paying an additional £10,000 a year on energy due to assistive equipment like powered wheelchairs & hoists. I'm backing @mndcampaigns call for government to consult on targeted energy support. We must stop energy bills going #ThroughTheRoof.
  3. The latest report from @mndcampaigns found 87% of people affected by #MND are worried about paying for essentials amid energy bills going #ThroughTheRoof. Read the report in full here:
  4. Assistive equipment can dramatically improve the quality of life of people with #MND. But 28% have reduced their use of this equipment due to energy bills going #ThroughTheRoof. I'll be attending the @APPGonMND meeting in November to discuss this issue.

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