As a supporter of the MND Association you are at the heart of everything we do, and we believe that supporting us should be a positive and rewarding experience.

Our vision is a world free from MND and we work to achieve this aim through building open and transparent relationships. Without you we simply wouldn't be able to continue the fight against MND and that's why your trust is vital to us and why we're committed to being fully accountable to you.

Below we outline the promises we make to you when you choose to support us:

We endeavour to provide exceptional supporter care

  • We will give you a friendly and open response when you get in touch
  • We will handle your enquiry in an honest and professional manner
  • We will provide a response to your queries and questions as quickly as possible, and if we are delayed, let you know when you can expect a response
  • We will treat all complaints seriously, investigate them fully and report back to you with a solution. If we get things wrong, we’ll be upfront about our mistakes, apologise and fix them.
  • We welcome and encourage feedback from you to improve our work

We're committed to maintaining the highest possible standard in our fundraising, campaigning and volunteering

  • We comply with the law as it applies to charities and fundraising
  • We are registered with The Fundraising Regulator, always adhere to the Code of Fundraising Practice and constantly review our fundraising practices to make sure they are legal, open, honest and respectful
  • We monitor fundraisers, volunteers and third parties working with us to raise funds to ensure that they comply with the law, the Code of Fundraising Practice and our Supporter Promise
  • We display The Fundraising Regulator badge on fundraising materials to show we are committed to good practice
  • We will not put undue pressure on you to make a gift. If you do not want to give or wish to cease supporting us, we will respect your decision
  • Our staff, suppliers and volunteers will adhere to the Institute of Fundraising’s policy on vulnerable people and our Safeguarding Policy. We have a procedure for dealing with people in vulnerable circumstances. Read our Vulnerable Supporter Policy for more information
  • We will not make cold telephone calls

We will respect your privacy, will always keep your personal information safe and give you the power to decide how we contact you

  • We will make it clear and easy for you to choose how you hear from us. If you ask us not to contact you we won’t, unless it’s a legal requirement
  • We will communicate with you in the way that you prefer when you inform us of your preference
  • We will enable you to change your contact preferences at any point by contacting us
  • We maintain confidentiality at all times and ensure your data is protected under the Data Protection Act, please see our Privacy policy for further details
  • We will never sell your data to third party organisations
  • We will work with the Telephone, Mail and Fundraising Preference Services to ensure that those who choose not to receive specific types of communication don’t have to

We will be accountable and responsible

  • Where we ask a third party to fundraise on our behalf, we will make this relationship and the financial arrangement transparent. We will provide training to the third parties and monitor their work. We will act quickly if they do not meet the high standards we set
  • We will ensure our complaints process is clear and easily accessible and will adhere to this policy.
  • We monitor and record the number of complaints we receive each year and share this data with The Fundraising Regulator on request

In response to your generous support, we promise to be honest and open about how we use your donations

  • We will always put your gift to work as quickly as we can
  • We will spend your money how we say we will
  • If you would like to allocate your donation to a particular area of our work we will respect your wishes, and where this is not possible, we will advise you of this and proceed as you request
  • Your donation will be promptly acknowledged, and we will always be incredibly grateful for your support
  • We will keep our administration costs to a minimum and provide clear, public financial reports in our Annual Review
  • Your donations will be maximised through Gift Aid, where appropriate

If you have any questions about our Supporter Promise please contact our Supporter Care team on 01604 611860, or email [email protected] 

Thank you for your continued support. It is only because of you that we can fund research, provide care, campaign, and raise awareness. We will never forget that.