Welcome to your Tribute Fund Guardian Area.

Thank you again for playing such an important part in helping create a world free from MND. 

Whether you've recently set up the Tribute Fund in memory of your loved one, or hoping to find more ways to use your Tribute Fund, this guide has everything you need to make the most of your Tribute page. 

How-to videos

Watch our how-to videos to help with adding offline donations, linking fundraising pages, personalising your Tribute Fund page or inviting family and friends.

How to add offline donations

You can add donations that haven't been made to your Tribute Fund page to your fund's total.

How to personalise your page

You can personalise your Tribute page to better reflect the person you're remembering.

How to share with family and friends

As well as having a unique URL, there are lots of other ways to invite your family and friends to your Tribute page.

Tribute Fund Inspiration

Take inspiration from how other families use their Tribute pages, listen to Harish's story and Trevor's story, or visit our Tribute Fund Garden.

Tribute Fund Garden

Harish's story

"Just visiting the page, it almost feels like part of him is still here." 

The Thakrar family, who set up a Tribute Fund in memory of Harish.


Trevor's story

"To me, the page reminds me of my dad." 

Jay, who set up a Tribute Fund in memory of his dad, Trevor.


Share your story

We’re always looking for more stories to share with our MND community, to let other people affected by MND know about Tribute Funds and what they mean to families.

If you are happy for us to contact you to collect your story, please email us, and a member of the Tribute Funds team will be in touch.


How will I know the total raised in my loved one’s Tribute Fund?

You will be able to view the fundraising total on the homepage of your Tribute Fund.  

We will also send you a quarterly update with the latest news from the Association and the total you have raised so far.  

You will notice that your email updates will have an offline and online donation breakdown. You can check the total against what appears on your Tribute Fund page and add any offline donations in your Tribute settings under the Donations tab and clicking ‘My Donations’.  

You can also follow our step-by-step video on adding offline donations here.

I have already raised funds before setting up a Tribute Fund, can these be added?

Once a Tribute Fund is set up, any of the Guardian's historic donations and fundraising will be safely recorded in the Tribute Fund. 

The total will be displayed in your welcome letter and in your quarterly email updates, so that you can update your online Tribute Fund page with the total raised. 

You can also let us know about other fundraising, such as from friends and family, that should be recorded in the Tribute Fund. Email the Tribute Funds team with the details of the donations and a member of the team will support with linking the funds. 

Some loved ones would like to support, but don’t want to donate online; how can they donate?

Donations can be made over the phone at 01604 611860 or by sending a cheque to: 

Motor Neurone Disease Association  

Francis Crick House 

6 Summerhouse Road 

Moulton Park 


NN3 6BJ 

They should share who their donation is in memory of, either by telling our team over the phone or including a cover letter if sending by post, so that it can be linked to your Tribute fund.  

Is my Tribute Fund private?

Your Tribute Fund will be set to public when you create your page, so that people can locate the page by searching for your loved one’s name in the ‘Search for a Tribute Fund’ search box. 

If you would like to set your Tribute Fund to private, you can do this under ‘Privacy & Sharing’ in your Tribute Settings.  

We're here for you

Tribute Fund team under 'A world free from MND' sign.

You can contact the Tribute Funds team with any questions or support with your fund.

Email us: [email protected]

Call us: 01604 611799