Whatever your branch/group chooses to do to offer support, good organisation and planning will help make all the difference.
Providing valuable local support for people living with MND, their families and carers is one of the most rewarding activities for your branch/group. Support can be offered in a variety of ways and whatever the size of your branch or group there is always something you can be doing to help those affected in your area. Some of the main ones are:
- providing opportunities for people with MND, their carers and families, to meet together informally through open meetings, get-togethers, garden centre meetings, socials and drop-ins
- helping to fund equipment and services that improve the quality of day-to-day living for people with MND which are otherwise unavailable through other sources
- producing informative and interesting newsletters to keep people aware of what your branch/group is doing in your area
- having a branch or group contact who proactively maintains contact with people with MND, their families and carers, ensuring they are informed of the work of the branch and the Association
- developing and maintaining a branch/group website and social media sites to keep in contact with your branch/group members and share what else is happening locally.
- Support through meetings (PDF)
- Guidance on running meetings
- Support through Branch/Group Contact role (PDF)
- Branch/Group Contact role profile (PDF)
- Support through communications (PDF)
- More guidance on communications, social media and other methods
- Information on support grants available
Support for Carers
Caring for someone with MND is physically and emotionally challenging. The Association recognises and values the vital role played by families and unpaid carers and is committed to ensuring that they have access to a network of support and high-quality information.
Branches and groups have a key part to play in this commitment by including the needs of carers as part of what they offer locally. A warm welcome, friendship and an opportunity to meet others in the local community who understand their situation are so important.
Branches and groups can do this through offering and promoting:
- regular meetings, particularly carers' support meetings
- support by funding, such as respite care and complimentary therapy (refer to financial support guidelines for further information)
- the Association’s Carers Guide for carers and the services of MND Connect and their local Area Support Coordinator (ASC)
- organising social events for Carers
- carer-focused news, information and articles in your newsletter, website and at open meetings
- information about local carers groups and other carers support organisations in the area.
If you would like support or advice on how to develop any of the ideas listed above, do contact your Area Support Co-ordinator.