• Current Your details
  • Your application
  • Complete

Your details

Click here to enter your address manually.
You must be 18+ on event day.

Your application

Please give as much detail as possible. 
You must raise a minimum of £2,700 (excluding registration fee and gift aid). 
Fundraising page set up

Creating and sharing an online fundraising page is a crucial part of a fundraising plan. Please confirm you’re happy to commit to setting this up via your chosen platform, i.e JustGiving, Enthuse etc, within one month of registering or the event?

Will your employer 'match' your sponsorship?
Giving to Charities is for many companies, a key part of their Corporate & Social Responsibility (CSR) Policies. There is no fixed formula to it – some companies will match your fundraising £ for £. For others, it will be up to a certain amount (£500 for example). And some will match up to a certain percentage of what you are able to raise. All you have to do, as a fundraiser, is ask the question. Speak to your manager or your HR Department. That’s all there is to it.

Please note each team member is required to complete this form to be enrolled in the application process.

Communication preferences

Please see our Privacy Policy for full details on how we use your information. Would you like to receive regular updates on the work we are doing, including details of future events and ways in which you, your friends and family could help?  These updates could include information about volunteering opportunities, ways of helping in our campaigning activities or in supporting the Association financially.Please select how you are happy to receive these communications:
