27 February 2024 News
Following the success of the 34th International Symposium on ALS/MND in Basel, Switzerland, planning is well underway for the 35th Symposium, this year to be held in Montreal from 6-8 December.
Last year, over 1300 people gathered in Basel, Switzerland at the first in-person event since the before the pandemic, to hear the latest in motor neurone disease (MND) research. We also welcomed a further 300 delegates who attended online and will continue to offer this option to ensure accessibility for the widest audience.
The Symposium brings together leading international researchers, and health and social care professionals to present and debate key innovations in their respective fields. It plays an important role in facilitating the exchange of exciting new knowledge and information as well as stimulating new ideas and partnerships.
We are delighted to announce the next in-person Symposium, once again with a virtual component for inclusivity. The hope is that through catalysing more international collaboration, we will find solutions to unpick the complex nature of MND and generate new and effective approaches to treatment.
You can now sign up for Symposium updates and learn more about the programme.
Now in its third year, another of our key MND research events, MND EnCouRage 2024 will take place from 9-10 July in the UK. A two day event specifically tailored for early career researchers (ECRs), it is open to both early career researchers and the MND community.
The event aims to recognise and encourage the important work of ECRs who have chosen MND as their area of investigation and is designed to help them develop skills needed for their careers. It also helps ECRs and people living with and affected by MND to build partnerships and gain a greater understanding of the research interests of the MND community.
The programme offers an exciting range of opportunities for learning and networking, for both ECRs and people living with and affected by MND. ECRs can share their research, and passion for the projects they have undertaken, and it offers a taste of the huge diversity of MND research currently being carried out.
Members of the MND community will find out about the latest MND research presented in non-scientific terms, participate in round-table discussions about clinical trial results and new papers, and hear talks from leading MND researchers and scientists. Find out more about MND EnCouRage on our website.
Places are limited but abstract submissions are open and registration is open to the public from 23 April 2024.