MND Association urges General Election 2024 candidates to champion MND

21 May 2024 News

The MND Association is asking candidates in the 2024 General Election to champion people affected by MND in the next government.  

Today (May 21), the charity launched the MND Guarantee campaign, which gives the MND community the tools to encourage prospective parliamentary candidate to promote the disease. 

It invites those running to become an MP to advocate the needs of people living with and affected by MND if they are elected. 

It is vitally important to secure as many supportive MPs as possible to ensure our dedicated society of campaigners has a strong voice in the next Parliament. 

MND Guarantee five main priorities

Click here to read more about the MND Guarantee

"Mam had to sleep by the living room window right next to a busy road for six years because we couldn't get a stair lift. Nobody told us we could have an extension and she could have a bedroom downstairs until it was almost too late, which meant she only had a bedroom downstairs for the last six months. That was devastating."

Rosie Hollings, who started caring for her mum when she was just 23 after her MND diagnosis 
Image MND Association supporter in branded clothing


“Those in our community need faster diagnosis, access to life-changing medicines and therapies and well-resourced health and social care. 

“The act of providing care to family and friends often comes at a significant cost, both financially and emotionally, while too many people living with MND reside in unsuitable and unsafe housing. 

“Unpaid carers are critical in providing support for people with MND but the monetary assistance they receive for doing so is simply not good enough.  

“With the support of all political parties and their prospective parliamentary candidates, we can make a difference.” 

Tim Atkinson, National Campaigns Manager for the MND Association