27 June 2024 Campaigns

Image MND Guarantee. Urge your future MP to champion people with MND

The MND Guarantee, our campaign for the 2024 General Election, has to date been signed by 367 candidates from a wide range of political parties who have all pledged to champion MND if elected.  

The numbers we’ve reached so far are fantastic and the MND Association would like to thank every supporter who has taken part. And it’s not too late to get involved. With a week before the General Election, there’s still time to ask prospective MPs in your constituency to sign the MND Guarantee. 

The campaign was launched on 21 May and invites those running to become an MP to commit to advocating for people living with and affected by MND. It is a vital starting point for our political work to change laws and policies, so people affected by MND have better support through health, social care, research and much more. 

As of 26 June, 2,611 emails had been sent by members of the MND community to their candidates. So far, we have covered nearly half of all constituencies across the UK, which is an amazing team effort. 

With the UK going to the polls on 4 July, we are asking for one final push to put the disease at the forefront of politicians’ minds and ensure the next Parliament has as many supportive MPs as possible.

Tim Atkinson, National Campaigns Manager for the MND Association, said: “It is wonderful to see so many people approach their local MP candidates to sign the MND Guarantee. We can’t thank you all enough for your help with the campaign. 

"Those in our community need politicians of all parties who support effective health and social care and access to life-changing medicines for people with MND. 

“With the support from as many potential MPs as possible, we know that we will be able to make a difference in the next Government. 

“In the run up to the General Election, we are asking supporters to make a final effort to ensure that your local candidates have MND on their agenda if they get a seat in Parliament. 

“If you’ve already taken part, you can still help by sharing the action around your networks.” 

You can take part in the MND Guarantee campaign by clicking here and following the instructions.