17 July 2024 News

Today marked the first major announcement of the new government’s legislative plan in the King’s Speech. The speech included a number of announcements that will have an impact on people affected by motor neurone disease (MND).  

Energy costs 

The Government announced its intention to ensure that energy bills are cut over the coming years. Last year we highlighted the impact of cost of living rises on the MND community through our Through the Roof campaign. We welcome the intention to reduce the financial impact of the cost of living crisis, and call for specific, targeted measures to assist those most impacted by high prices, including people living with MND.  

We know many people with MND use a wide range of energy-intensive electrical equipment at home to help manage their condition as it progresses. This is why we are calling for targeted support to help vulnerable households cope with energy costs during the next parliament. 

Accessible housing 

The Government also announced measures to increase the supply of new homes through changes to the planning process and more devolution to regional mayors in England.  However, it is integral that new housing is built to accessible standards to improve the supply of accessible homes, which enable people living with MND to maintain their independence, dignity, and quality of life as the disease progresses.  

House of Lords reform  

Finally, there were changes to the House of Lords which will affect its membership. We work closely with members of both the House of Lords and the House of Commons, including through our MND All-Party Parliamentary Group. As these changes are implemented, we will ensure we continue to work with peers to address the challenges faced by people living with MND.  

What’s not there? 

Unfortunately, despite speculation, there were no measures announced to address the need for social care funding and reform. It is essential that the Government does not kick the many challenges faced by the social care system into the long grass. Decisive action is needed to address chronic underfunding, workforce challenges, and catastrophic care costs that force people to sell their homes. 

As the new parliament begins, we are working to engage new members of parliament and the new Government to ensure that it delivers positive outcomes for the MND community.  Going forward, we will provide further updates on our work as it develops. 

Find out more 

If you’d like to reach out to your MP to discuss MND and ask for their help in Parliament, please get in touch with us on [email protected] or 0203 8758910.  

For more information on our proposed priorities for the new Government please see our MND Guarantee homepage.