General Election 2024: The MND Guarantee

When the General Election was called, we asked candidates to sign the MND Guarantee, a commitment that they'll champion people living with and affected by MND in the new Parliament. 

We're really pleased to announce that 85 elected MPs pledged their support for people with MND. That smashed all our targets for this campaign and thank you all for your help and support!

If you’d like to reach out to your MP and request a meeting to discuss MND and ask for their help in Parliament, please get in touch with us on [email protected] or 02038758910. You can count on our help and support! 

If you’re a former candidate or new MP and would still like to sign the MND Guarantee, please sign here.  


Why is this important? 

To ensure the MND community has a strong voice in Parliament we need as many supportive MPs as possible. 

MPs can champion people with MND in different ways.  

They could:

  • Join the All-Party Parliamentary Group on MND 
  • Assist in the casework of constituents with MND
  • Ask parliamentary questions
  • Take part in relevant debates
  • Support one or more of our 5 MND asks of government.

Our priorities for the new government

Accessible homes

We need a major change in the way adaptations are provided in the home for people with MND. Too many are living in unsuitable and unsafe housing. We are asking local authorities to remove the red tape and fast track assessments for people with MND for these adaptations; as well as for the new government to consult on increasing the upper limit of a Disabled Facilities Grant.

Access to treatments

The new parliament will be a critical period for MND research, with unprecedented levels of research activity to develop new disease-modifying and life-extending drugs for MND. Now is the time for sustained investment and support to bring these drugs to those who need them.

Improved cost of living support

People with MND have been hit disproportionately hard by the cost of living crisis, especially regarding energy bills. We are asking the next government for targeted support to help people in the next parliament, and a sustainable, long-term solution to the energy crisis such as an energy social tariff. 

Sustainable social care

We need the new government to provide a sustainable social care funding settlement with a clear plan to address workforce shortages to ensure the sector can fully support people with MND. Long-delayed measures to stop people incurring catastrophic care costs must now be introduced.

Support MND carers

Unpaid carers are the backbone of support for people with MND. The financial support they receive does not reflect the contribution they make and too many are excluded from support entirely. We are calling on the new government for a full review of the support currently available to unpaid carers.