This is a group of experienced, knowledgeable professionals. These colleagues are the official representative core MDT and they are keen to establish the community and maintain it as a thriving learning and development environment.
The purpose of the Expert Core is to provide professional guidance and be the external face of the Community. It has a planning meeting twice a year to discuss ideas for activity and steer the direction of the community and more regular short meetings to consider suggestions coming in from the membership. Their role is to:
- steer the development and maintain vitality of the MND Professionals’ Community of Practice
- provide expert feedback on the development of Association resources
- help sustain and moderate the MND Professionals’ Community of Practice online forum providing specialist responses to community posed questions as necessary.
Your expert core

Chair: Jan Clarke
Consultant Nurse for MND National Hospital of Neurology and Neurosurgery, London

Anthony Hanratty
MND Nurse Specialist & Care Centre Coordinator and Independent Nurse Prescriber, Middlesbrough MND Care Centre

Victoria Edwards
MND Care Centre Co-ordinator, Addenbrookes Hospital

Rachael Marsden
Nurse Consultant for Motor Neurone Disease, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford

Dr Emily Mayberry
Senior Clinical Psychologist, Sheffield MND Care Centre and Clinical Neuropsychology Services, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

Kathryn Crawford
Respiratory Specialist Physiotherapist, Belfast Health and Social Care Trust

Alison Armstrong
Nurse Consultant – Long Term Ventilation Newcastle upon Tyne NHS Foundation Trust

Phillippa Sharpe
Specialist Occupational Therapist, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Charlotte Massey
Specialist physiotherapist, currently completing a PhD at the University of Sheffield on cough and secretion issues in MND

Idris Baker
Consultant in Palliative Medicine, National Clinical Lead for Palliative & End of Life care in Wales, Codirector of the South Wales MND Care Network and Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer

Rosie Bamber
Specialist Neuro Occupational Therapist and Doctoral Fellow, University of Sheffield and Sheffield MND Care and Research Centre

Sean White
Dietitian and NIHR Doctoral Fellow, University of Sheffield and Sheffield MND Care and Research Centre

Artika Datta
Advanced Specialist Dietitian in MND and Home Enteral Feeding, Cambridge University Hospital

Liz Rogers
Clinical Specialist Occupational Therapist in MND, University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust