Our supporters fund our research and bring us closer to finding a cure. To secure future donations we need to provide evidence showing the impact our research continues to make.
We have joined Researchfish, which is an online Research Outcomes System that enables researchers to upload outcome data about their research to multiple funders easily and quickly. This will provide us with vital information about the impact of our research, allowing us to facilitate the reporting of outcomes after a grant has ended and to disseminate this information to the wider MND Community.
As part of our Terms and Conditions, we will now require an annual submission to Researchfish along with our current reporting process.
What you will need to do
Once you are awarded a grant from the Association, or if you already have one, we will add your grant to our Researchfish account and you will then receive an email from Researchfish. Using the link in the email, you will need to register on the Researchfish site and build your profile. If you are already a Researchfish user, log in as usual.
For technical queries please contact the Researchfish support team at [email protected].
When to submit
We will ask you to submit to Researchfish on an annual basis during a defined submission period. The next submission period will be between 6 February and 16 March 2023.
Once the submission period has closed, you can enter, amend, and update your Researchfish portfolio at any time throughout the year. We will ask you to complete the annual submissions for the lifetime of the grant and for the following five years after the grant has finished.
If any of your grant award information is incorrect, please contact the research grants team at [email protected].