An interview study to identify unmet needs of people living with neurological conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic placed strain on adults living with long-term neurological conditions and their families. Several studies looked to identify the impact of the pandemic on support services. These studies described significant disruption to health and social care services, including neurological services. These disruptions included people facing withdrawal of medication and essential healthcare services and inadequate life support equipment like ventilators and oxygen support. The results of the studies highlighted the lack of preparation for these individuals and their families. 

This project seeks to identify the unmet needs and challenges that adults with neurological conditions, including MND, and their families faced during the COVID-19 pandemic. The researchers aim to develop a toolkit to better prepare support services for future emergencies.

Taking Part

What does taking part involve?

You will take part in an interview lasting 45-60 minutes, conducted online via Zoom or Microsoft Teams, or by phone call. If you have speech difficulties, you will be able to be interviewed by email. You will be asked about your experiences of care and support during the COVID-19 pandemic and compare this to pre-pandemic services. You will also be asked what went well during the pandemic and any areas you would highlight for improvement. 


Who can take part?

  • People who lived with MND during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Individuals from organisations that supported people with MND and other long-term neurological conditions during COVID-19


How can I take part?

For further information or to take part in the study, please contact: Ebere Ugwuodo, by email [email protected], or by phone, 07766631986

Study locations



This study is funded by a Glasgow Caledonian University Studentship
