Discovering more about the role that changes in p62 might play in MND.

Shouqing Luo

Principal Investigator: Prof Shouqing Luo

Lead Institution: University of Plymouth

MND Association Funding: £151,019

Funding dates: January 2025 - December 2026

About the project

Some people with MND have changes in genes which contribute to the development and progression of the disease. One of the genes that may undergo changes in MND is called p62. The p62 gene holds the instructions to make the p62 protein which has lots of different roles including removing rubbish from cells. It helps to gather the rubbish together in liquid sacks so it’s easier to remove, however changes in the p62 gene might lead to changes in these liquid sacks. It is thought that p62 may also help to promote inflammation in immune cells which has been linked to MND progression. This project aims to uncover more about the changes that happen to p62 in MND to gain a better understanding of if and how it changes in the disease and whether it does cause more inflammation in brain cells. If it is found to promote inflammation in brain cells in MND, a natural compound will be tested to see if it could be used to help reduce inflammation caused by changes in p62.

What could this mean for MND research?

This project could help to increase current understanding of the role that p62 may play in disease development and progression. It may also lead to early stage testing of new potential treatments which may help to reduce inflammation in the brain and slow the progression of MND.

Project code: 2360-791