To uncover more about the events that lead to failed communication between neurons in MND.

A photo of Alannah in the lab

Pre-fellow: Dr Alannah Mole

Principal Investigator: Dr Richard Mead

Lead Institution: University of Sheffield 

MND Association Funding: £88,687

Funding dates: November 2023 - April 2025


About the project

This pre-fellowship project aims to uncover more about the events that lead to failed communication in MND. Dr Mole will use neurons and muscles from mouse models of MND to observe the interactions between the cells at various time points throughout the disease. This will help to map the sequence of events that lead to the failure of the signalling in MND and the time at which each event happens. These observations will be combined with measures of movement in the mice to provide a bigger picture of the disease process and the effects that these events have on mobility. The project will also test compounds that target some of the events that lead to failed signalling to determine whether any of them can delay or prevent the loss of connections between neurons and muscles in MND.

What could this mean for MND research?

This project could increase our understanding of the events that underlie communication issues between neurons in MND. Discovering more about these and testing compounds which may delay or prevent damage to the connections between motor neurons and muscles, could reveal new targets for the future development of new therapies in MND. 

This pre-fellowship will provide a unique and exciting opportunity to research some of my own ideas, whilst benefitting from the advice, support, and expertise of established researchers in an amazing environment; such connections will be important in future. This time will also be particularly valuable in allowing me to gather preliminary data in preparation for fellowship application, where I can pursue ideas further and ultimately work towards becoming an independent MND researcher.

Project code: 903-800

Animal research
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