Investigating changes that occur in RNA binding proteins in different cell types in MND.
Principal Investigator: Dr Matthew White
Lead Institution: Kings College London
MND Association Funding: £520,000*
Funding dates: May 2025 - April 2029
*Supported by the Lady Edith Wolfson Fellowship Programme
About the project
RNA binding proteins (RBPs) are involved in the production of other proteins. Several RBPs are linked to MND, such as TDP-43 and FUS. The nervous system is made up of lots of different types of cells including neurones and support cells. The project will involve growing a mixture of different types of cells in the lab and identify which types of cells are the most vulnerable to problems with RBPs and why. Dr White will then look for ways to protect these vulnerable cells.
What could this mean for MND research?
This project is trying to identify changes that happen in cells in MND, and which cells are the most vulnerable to damage. If these vulnerable cells can be identified and protected, this could help to find new targets for treatments.
Project code: 2430-799