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Professor Rickie Patani

Becoming a Cure Finder is one of the best possible ways you can support MND research. Because every single pound you donate each month goes directly towards it. In return you’ll get online access to behind-the-scenes updates from MND researchers like Professor Rickie Patani (pictured right).



You don’t need to be an MND expert to help find a cure. You don’t need to be a scientist. You just need to be you. Whatever your background, whatever your reasons for getting involved, you have something to offer in helping find a cure. Month by month you could help bring that cure closer, while giving families hope.

"When I heard the word 'incurable', I became a Cure Finder..."

Jake, who is living with MND, standing next to his dad, Peter. They are outside a building.


When my son Jake was diagnosed with MND, the word ‘incurable’ was included in his diagnosis. I knew I had to do something, I had to act. That’s why I became a Cure Finder. Our contributions are vital for research and clinical trials – to get closer to controlling and finally curing this shocking and debilitating disease.

Peter (pictured right with Jake)

Will you become a Cure Finder today?

What is Cure Finders?

Cure Finders is the community that believes MND can be beaten. It is the connection between you and MND research. For a monthly donation, you will get a behind-the-scenes look into and exclusive updates from the front line of research. You gain a deeper understanding of MND – and in return, 100% of your support will help fund vital research.

You’ll get to know the researchers who are leading the way, gain a deeper understanding of their work – and become a vital part of the community that believes MND can be beaten.

What do I get?

By becoming a Cure Finder, you will gain access to the Cure Finders Hub. Here, you can explore the labs and get to know the scientists on the front line of MND research, through articles and interviews. You will also receive research updates and news via quarterly emails.


Nick Cole, Head of Research at the MND Association

"We're making progress - together, we will crack this"

Dr Nick Cole, MND Association Head of Research

A sneak peek of the benefits you get as a Cure Finder...

Access to an exclusive Cure Finders 'hub'

Get to know the researchers searching for a cure for MND

Read the latest updates on progress of MND research

Become a Cure Finder

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