We have a responsibility to ensure any member of staff or volunteer, accepting or being notified of donations, ensures it is being received from a genuine source and for the correct purpose. Special attention should be paid to donations that:

  • Are unusual or could indicate a higher risk such as larger donations, or those made through a third party
  • Where acceptance could cause reputational harm to the Association.

If you have concerns about any donations your branch or group is offered, please contact either Director of Finance, or Director of Fundraising, for advice. If checks reveal evidence of a crime, this must be reported to the police and/or other appropriate authorities.

Please also see the appendices:

Acceptance of gifts guidelines

Donations to the branch or group

Gifts could include goods (e.g. a bottle of wine), services (e.g. a haircut) entertainments (e.g. formal dinners) cash or vouchers.

If a supplier or partner offers a gift to a branch or group, it may be accepted if it is to be used for branch or group purposes; e.g. a bottle of wine can be used as a raffle prize or a free venue could be used to run support meetings.

Gifts to individuals

Although the Association does not encourage the acceptance of personal gifts, low value gifts (under £20) can be accepted if you feel that refusing it could offend the person who is giving it to you; for example, a volunteer may accept a box of chocolates from a person affected by MND as a thank you gesture.

Higher value personal gifts (over £20) are to be declined. If you think that refusing the gift would cause offence to the person giving it to you, please make it clear that it will be donated for branch or group use; for example, a ticket to a sporting event would make an excellent raffle prize.

We would ask you to decline any gift from a supplier, partner or individual if you think that they would expect you to behave in a certain way in return; for example, if a restaurant offers you a free meal to attempt to influence you to make a booking for the next branch or group Christmas party.

If you are unsure about acceptance or refusal of personal gifts, please discuss the situation with your Area Support Co-ordinator.