"Countdown to a cure is a showcase of the innovative research we are funding, the international expert researchers whose careers we help develop to keep the expertise in the field of MND research..." 

Dr Brian Dickie MBE, Director of Research

A major challenge

The process of developing a potential new treatment for MND is long, challenging and incredibly expensive. And despite promising results in early laboratory testing, many potential new treatments often do not perform as well in humans. This is where the development of new treatments often fail. 

A Solution

Graphic of a lab joined with a hospital by a bridge

Translational research bridges the gap between laboratory-based research and clinical trials. It aims to give potential new treatments the best chance possible of making it though the drug development pathway, through clinical trials and into people with MND. 

How the MND Association is supporting translational research

Countdown to a cure is a brief overview of the innovative research the MND Association is funding, the increased collaboration across MND research, and a look at new and improved ways of carrying out clinical trials. 

Advances in technology, milestone discoveries and new partnerships are now helping us take what we have learned so far about what causes MND and translate that into potential treatments.

"Thank you to all the donors, funders and partners who have contributed to and supported our research. Together, we share common ground to understand, treat and - ultimately - defeat MND." 

Dr Sophie Nyberg, Programmes and Partnerships Manager

Click below to learn more...

Whether you are affected by MND, have a general interest in the research we support, are a researcher or potential partner, we want you to be able to understand the impact your support has on our translational research programme. 

If you are looking for a brief overview, check out our 'quick read edition', whereas if you are looking to learn about our translational research programme in more depth, please read our 'extended edition'.