Countdown to a cure is a brief overview of the innovative research the MND Association is funding, the increased collaboration across MND research, and a look at new and improved ways of carrying out clinical trials. Read how there is reason for cautious optimism in the fight against MND...

Inside the quick read edition of Countdown to a cure

  • Why is finding effective treatments for MND so difficult?
  • Read about a solution - translational research
  • Stronger together - building partnerships
  • Is the answer to treating MND in our genes?
  • Can innovative clinical trial designs help improve the success rate of clinical trials?

Download the quick read edition (pdf)

 “I have taken part in research trials as I know how important they are in learning more about MND. Although I won’t benefit from the research myself, it will help others further down the line. It would be great to think I could be helping to reveal a piece of the puzzle for scientists, who could fit all the pieces together to find a cure or treatment in the future.” 

David Wilson, who is living with MND