Understanding the factors impacting MND psychology services and how to improve them.

Emily Mayberry

Principal Investigator: Dr Emily Mayberry

Lead Institution: University of Sheffield

MND Association Funding: £155,000*

Funding dates: March 2024 - February 2026

*Supported by the Grace Trust

About the project 

Some people with MND can experience changes in their thinking and behaviour that can affect their daily lives and their care. Psychologists can support people living with MND and their carers to manage these challenges and feedback from people living with MND, MND carers, and healthcare professionals shows that access to psychological support has been very useful. However, it is difficult to gather enough evidence about the difference access to psychology can make. This project aims to identify what is important for MND psychology services to deliver, how this care is being delivered, funded, and evaluated, what is working well, and what can be improved.

What could this mean for MND research?

This project will look to improve the delivery of psychological care in MND. It will hopefully be able to provide recommendations about how best to run MND psychology services to provide the care people with MND and their carers need.

Project code: 973-794