This section looks at support for daily living and managing symptoms to maintain the best possible quality of life with MND. Some of this information may also…
Chief Executive update: Access to emerging treatments for motor neurone disease (MND)
We want to bring you up to date on access to emerging treatments as we appreciate there is a level of anger and frustration among the MND community and we are…
Our work under the umbrella of the MND Access to Treatments Taskforce is continuing at pace, with our focus very firmly on how we can support people with MND…
We are at an unprecedented time in MND research with more positivity around trials than ever before and a number of potential medicines now moving along the…
We have remained in contact with the MIROCALS trial leads, this week, and continue to urge them to publish the data as soon as it is available. They have heard…
We must begin this week’s update by acknowledging this is an unprecedented moment of opportunity for the MND community. Every member of the MND community from…
The Motor Neurone Disease Association has convened a taskforce of experts from a range of disciplines to focus on access for people with MND to new and…
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