Our information for professionals in acute, urgent and emergency care is designed to give succinct guidance on actions to take and things to consider when…
GPs and others in the primary care team can make a great difference to the quality of life of people with MND, with timely care, support and symptom management.
This section has been designed to give you information and practical tips on the care of someone with MND. It will help you find out more about MND, whether…
GPs and others in the primary care team can make a great difference to the quality of life of people with MND, with timely care, support and symptom management.
Because MND can be rapidly progressive, it is important that people with the condition are offered referral to specialist palliative care services at an…
Some people with MND will experience changes in thinking, reasoning and behaviour. For many people the changes will be subtle and have little or no effect on…
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